This paper, titled The eLibrary Myanmar Project: Benefits and Impact on Myanmar’s Higher Education Libraries, was presented by EIFL Director, Rima Kupryte, and EIFL eLibrary Myanmar project coordinator for Yangon, Myat Sann Nyein, at the 17th Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians (CONSAL XVII), held in Naypyitaw, Myanmar, from 2 – 5 May 2018.
The EIFL eLibrary Myanmar project was launched in December 2013 to support educational change at universities in Myanmar. Through the project, a wealth of scholarly e-resources is made available to academics and students for the first time, and an intensive programme of training is undertaken to maximize awareness about and usage of the e-resources. The project also expands access to knowledge by making Myanmar research available online, and by advising on improvements to copyright law.
The paper traces the development of the project from 2013, when it was launched in two universities with 8,500 students, to 2018, by which time it had expanded to reach 13 universities and over 200,000 students. It discusses the impact of the project, and its benefits, for libraries, librarians, faculty and students.
See the PowerPoint presentation based on the paper here.