General Assembly 2021

The General Assembly, EIFL’s major knowledge sharing and networking event of the year

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Clockwise, from top left, EIFL Director Rima Kupryte and Programme Managers, Teresa Hackett, Romy Beard, Iryna Kuchma and Ramune Petuchovaite, presented updates on Day 1 of the GA.

The 2021 EIFL General Assembly (GA) took place online, from 20 - 21 October. This is the second year that the GA, normally an in-person event hosted by an EIFL partner country, has taken place online because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The first day of the GA was a public session. The second day was reserved for EIFL coordinators. We look forward to a time when we can meet coordinators from our partner countries and our publisher partners in person again.


Over 170 people registered for this two-hour public session in which EIFL Programme Managers shared progress and achievements in relation to EIFL’s Strategy 2021 - 2023. The session ended with a Q&A.

Presentations by EIFL Programme Managers

Watch a full length recording of the presentations on EIFL YouTube (length 1h 52min), or click on the links below to see a PDF of each presentation, and view each recording (about 10 minutes each) separately:


There were two networking meetings for EIFL Country Coordinators. 

In the first meeting, on the impact of COVID-19 on library services, EIFL Country Coordinators discussed the impact of COVID-19 on library services in their countries and shared ideas and experiences in overcoming challenges.

The second meeting was on ‘Equitable opportunities for publishing in open access’. Discussion centred on EIFL’s open access agreements, and whether these work for authors in EIFL partner countries, to make publishing in open access more fair.