EIFL will celebrate Open Access Week 2019 by sharing stories about the impact of open access (OA) on the work of researchers and scholars in our partner countries. We are also sharing information about the many campaigns, workshops, exhibitions and seminars being organized in our partner countries to celebrate the week. OA Week is an annual, global event established by SPARC to raise awareness about OA and to call for OA to be the norm in scholarship and research. The theme of OA week 2019 is ‘Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge’.
We’re calling on researchers, librarians and repository / research administrators to tell us their stories, and about their plans for the week. You can respond to EIFL’s OA Week 2019 call here.
OpenAIRE webinars
Gwen Franck, EIFL Open Access Programme (EIFL-OA) Coordinator, is organizing and hosting a series of webinars highlighting open science-related topics and OpenAIRE activities, services and tools.
- Monday, 21 October:
- 11am (CEST): OpenAPC - cost transparency of OA publishing, presented by Christoph Broschinski and Andreas Czerniak (Bielefeld University).
- 2 PM (CEST): Research Data Management, presented by S. Venkataraman (Digital Curation Centre) and Thomas Margoni (CREATe).
- Tuesday, 22 October:
- 10 am (CEST): Horizon 2020 Open Science Policies and beyond, presented by Emilie Hermans (OpenAIRE).
- Friday, 25 October:
- 11am (CEST): Plan S compliance for OA Journals, presented by Dominic Mitchell (Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ).
- 2pm (CEST): From Open Science to Inclusive Science, presented by Paola Masuzzo (independent researcher and data scientist).
You can register for the webinars via this form.
Events in Ghana
- 21 - 27 October: University of Cape Coast Sam Jonah Library scheduled its Library Week to coincide with OA Week 2019. The week includes an Open Access Day (Thursday, 24 October) which features an Open Access Walk; a radio discussion on the benefits of OA, and in the afternoon, a workshop on the University of Cape Coast Institutional Repository.
- 21 October: EIFL's Country Coordinator in Ghana, Richard B. Lamptey, and two colleagues from University of Cape Coast Library took part in a talk show on OA broadcast by ATL FM radio.
Events in Kyrgyzstan
- 23 October: EIFL-OA Coordinator Gwen Franck will give a presentation on OA at AUCA (the American University of Central Asia).
- 24 October: Gwen Franck will conduct a full-day training workshop at AUCA for 20 research staff and administrators and librarians from AUCA and other universities. The workshop will build capacity of participants to develop and conduct training programmes on open access and open science.
Find out more about these two events here.
Events in Maldives
- 21 - 27 October - Aminath Shiuna, Director, National Library of Maldives, and EIFL Country Coordinator in Maldives, is conducting a week-long OA awareness raising campaign, using fliers and social media.
Events in Senegal
- 21 - 22 October: Iryna Kuchma, EIFL-OA Manager, and EIFL’s partner library consortium in Senegal, the Consortium des Bibliothèques de l’Enseignement Supérieur du Sénégal (COBESS), will host a series of workshops on OA policies and repositories. Read more here.
- 23 - 25 October: EIFL will participate in the international conference, ‘Open Science in the South. Issues and Perspectives for a new dynamic’ in Dakar, Senegal. Iryna Kuchma, EIFL-OA Manager, will give a keynote speech, co-facilitate a workshop on OA repositories and participate in a panel titled ‘Open science movement - state of play and policies’. Read more here.
Events in Serbia
- 24 October: Public presentation of Jakov, the institutional OA repository of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies in Belgrade. The presentation will take place during the Belgrade Book Fair.
- 26 October: PSSOH (Application of Free Software and Open Hardware) Conference, to be held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. Presentations and discussion will cover three main topics: (1) application of free software; (2) application of open hardware; (3) the representation and role of women in free software and open hardware.
Events in Zimbabwe
- October 23: Zimbabwe Open University Library will hold a seminar on OA for all academic and non-academic staff from all faculties at Open University in Harare.
Find out more about how the EIFL Open Access Programme encourages libraries and partners across the EIFL network to take part in OA Week.