‘Success for People with Print Disabilities: The Marrakesh Treaty’ is a book chapter co-authored by Teresa Hackett, EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager, and Justus Dreyling, Policy Director of COMMUNIA, the international association that advocates for the public domain.
The chapter describes the genesis of the Marrakesh Treaty for persons with print disabilities, the negotiating history at WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organization) and library engagement throughout the process. It provides a provision-by-provision analysis of the treaty text, and best case examples of practical implementation by libraries from various countries around the world to help inspire and inform the global library community.
The chapter is published in the book, Navigating Copyright for Libraries. Purpose and Scope, produced on behalf of the IFLA Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) Advisory Committee, and published by De Gruyter Saur. The book is of interest to students in librarianship and early career information professionals seeking a general grounding in copyright law and libraries, copyright librarians who wish to stay abreast of recent and emerging international developments, as well as lawyers and legal academics seeking insight into the practical implications of copyright law for libraries.