A popular service available through the EIFL Licensing Programme is a fully-automated system for handling plagiarism.
Among the services available through EIFL is a service that enables scholars to access e-resources licensed by their libraries remotely.
New tools have been developed to improve the quality and ease of research and for librarians to support researchers in their work.
Some of these tools are not affordable in EIFL partner countries; others are free but people are not aware of them.
To address this issue, the EIFL Licensing Programme negotiates with vendors of a variety of services for discounted pricing and organizes webinars introducing free tools.
- We negotiate affordable prices for plagiarism detection software.
- We negotiate affordable prices for products that allow libraries to manage licensed e-resources and provide remote access for their users.
- We negotiate discounted prices for editing services for authors.
- We raise awareness about negotiated agreements through support materials and resources, email marketing campaigns, and social media outreach.
- We organize webinars introducing free tools that support researchers, such as reference management and content discovery. Browse EIFL Resources to find webinars introducing technology tools and showing you how to use them.
Different research support services are available through the EIFL Licensing programme.