EIFL’s Iryna Kuchma participated in the Ukrainian Open Science Forum in Lviv (21-23 November 2024), and shares news about the launch of the Ukrainian Reproducibility Network.
The Ukrainian Reproducibility Network was launched at a lively meeting with participants from almost every region of the country, creating a countrywide peer-led consortium that aims to improve research by promoting and supporting robust research practices including, but not limited to, reproducibility, replicability, and open science.
The Ukrainian network is a part of the Global Reproducibility Network, which comprises a growing number of regional and national networks formed to promote rigorous research practices.
As one of the first activities of the Ukrainian Reproducibility Network, EIFL will collaborate with I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University on an open science training programme using the EIFL Open Science for Health Sciences Training Programme Outline for librarians and open science trainers.
The launch of the Ukrainian network took place during the Ukrainian Open Science Forum at Lviv Polytechnic National University, and if you are interested in reproducible research and have just under an hour to spare, I encourage you to listen to a fascinating presentation about self-correcting research that brings results and impact. The presentation, titled ‘Going Further Together: Fostering Сollaborative Approaches Through National Reproducibility Networks’, was delivered by Professor Marcus Munafò, co-founder and Chair of the Supervisory Board of the UK Reproducibility Network and a Professor of Biological Psychology and Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Research Culture at the University of Bristol), during a session of the Ukrainian Open Science Forum
Recordings of other presentations from the Ukrainian Open Science Forum will be available on this channel. And more information about the Ukrainian Reproducibility Network is here, or on their social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook).