Successful job-seeker Anatolij Parishkov role-plays a job interview with other jobseekers aged over 40 in 'Lyuben Karavelov' Regional Library in Bulgaria. Photo credit Rudy Zee

The work of the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme demonstrates the many ways in which public libraries are contributing to employment, through information services and by providing ICT skills training to equip people for today’s job-market.

Public libraries are also reaching out to especially marginalized and vulnerable people - for example, ‘Lyuben Karavelov’ Regional Library in Bulgaria builds confidence of unemployed people aged over 40 through a combination of counselling, employment information and ICT skills training; in Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast ‘Pushkin’ Library helps young people  find work, start small businesses or improve their jobs; in South Africa, by providing careers counselling, free access to ICT and ICT training, Masiphumelele Public Library is helping guide poor and vulnerable youth into more secure futures.